Rapid And Effective Under Eye Bag Treatments

Have you ever woken up in the morning only to find your eyes looking puffy or swollen? You aren’t alone. Our eyes are an essential part of how we communicate and express ourselves. If they look less than their best, we look aged and tired. The treatments below help minimize bags, puffy, and swollen eyes in the morning so that you can head into the day with confidence.

What Causes Under Eye Bags?

There are a variety of factors that can cause or contribute to your under eye bags. Understanding the cause can help you personalize your treatment options.

  • Natural Aging Process—as we age the skin and tissue under our eyes weakens. This allows fluid to build up under the areas that are beginning to sag.
  • UV Rays—the natural aging process accelerates with sunscreen-free sun and UV exposure from electronic devices and fluorescent lighting. 
  • Allergies—if you have seasonal allergies, you can develop swollen and puffy eyes any time of the day.
  • General Sleep—laying flat overnight allows fluids to gather under your eyes, which can lead to morning bags.
  • Insufficient Sleep—if you didn’t get enough sleep or didn’t sleep well your eyes may look red in the morning and you may develop dark or darker than usual circles. Disrupted sleep can also cause more fluid than usual to collect under your eyes.
  • Tobacco—nicotine can disrupt your natural sleep pattern and accelerate the rate at which you lose the elasticity of your skin. Both factors can contribute to fluid retention.
  • Alcohol Use—the wine, beer, or cocktails you enjoyed last night can leave you dehydrated causing your skin to weaken and bags to form.
  • Salty Foods—salty foods make us retain fluids. Your excess fluid can build up in many places on your body, including beneath your eyes.
  • Makeup—one of the many reasons to remove your makeup in the evening is because it can irritate your tissue and cause your eyes to swell.
  • Hereditary—if one or both of your parents or grandparents have daily or frequent bags, it may increase your odds of developing bags as an adult.

Beauty Tools And Products For Under Eye Bags

Rapidly minimize or eliminate bags, puffy, and swollen eyes in the morning with the tools and products below.

Ice and Rollers

Minimize swelling and improve circulation with any combination of ice, cold, and rolling. For example, you could place your preferred jade or stone roller in the refrigerator for 10 minutes or more before rolling. Here is an Amazon Associate Link to a good stone roller. You can also roll with the glass rollers by Bequipped Facial Ice Rollers. You could place a gel eye mask or weighted IMAK Compression Eye Mask over your eyes for 10 minutes before using your preferred roller.  

Microcurrent Device

Microcurrent devices deliver a variety of benefits, including rapidly increasing the circulation around your eyes. The low-grade currents feel like nothing more than a gentle vibration. Within minutes they can refresh your eyes and drain your bags. Use on a clean face with serum or the suggested product. The currents also boost the production of collagen and help antiaging products to better penetrate your pores for antiaging benefits. Consider the Eye Rejuvenator from Method Brigette Kettner or the NuFACE FIX Line-Smoothing Device.

Depuffing Topical Products

Last but certainly not least, there are a variety of depuffing topical products to choose from. Dermora 24K Gold Eye Masks are a popular choice. Simply put them on for 20 minutes after you wake up for visually smoother under eyes. They also minimize dark circles and fine lines. Dr. Brandt No More Baggage Eye De-Puffing Gel and The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% ECGC serum both contain caffeine. Caffeine naturally firms and tightens the skin under your eyes, which drains the excess fluid.   

Lifestyle Changes To Minimize Under Eye Bags

The lifestyle changes below help you take both a proactive and reactive approach to bags, puffy, and swollen eyes in the morning. Implement the changes that address your individual skin care needs.

  • Slow the visible signs of aging by applying makeup or skincare products with broad-spectrum UV protection and reapply your sunscreen every 4 hours.
  • Wear blue light glasses to minimize the blue light exposure of our computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. 
  • Hydrate throughout the day, especially when drinking alcohol or eating salty foods.
  • Use nasal irrigation when you have allergies and talk to your doctor about taking an antihistamine.
  • Create a sleep schedule and sleep routine and make your bedroom more conducive for sleep.
  • Wash your face every evening to remove makeup, oil, and daily grime. Apply an anti-aging serum and moisturizer after you wash.
  • Keep alcohol use to a minimum.
  • Explore patches and other treatment options to stop smoking.

Say goodbye to bags, puffy, and swollen eyes in the morning with the tips above! As an Amazon Associate I earn commission from links in this article about eye bags.

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Dr. Thirion

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